
Thursday, November 18, 2010

Azima and Dean Part II

*Note before reading this article: If you haven't read it already, refer back to the post titled "Azima and Dean" to understand who I'm talking about here.
     Azima's dream came true yesterday.
     She talked to Dean. Like, TALKED to him. I mean, before it was just a bump. But this time, it was talking.
     The story:
     Azima was coming out of a classroom that was next to the Assistant Principal's room (she had been sent on an errand by her teacher) when she bumped into Dean. Again.
     He gives her that charming, melting-to-your-feet grin of his. "Sorry, sweethart." (Maybe he says it everyone?)
     Azima starts getting flirty. "Again? Really?" She asked, pretending to be outraged. But really, she was teasing, and he could tell.
     "Sorry," he said, this sheepish look on his face. 
     Then, more for the sake of keeping the conversation going, Azima asked, "Do you know where Mr. Derman's office is?"
     "Yeah, I do." And THEN, he puts his hand on her shoulder and starts walking forward. "I'll show you. Follow me."
     He gives her the grin again.
     Azima's mind at this moment: Touch me more...
    (She's a little obsessed with him, if you hadn't realized yet)   
    So she follows him to Mr. Derman's office, and he leads her there, and they get there, and she says thanks. He does his grinning thing again and says, "You're welcome."
     In my opinion, I expected something to happen when they got there, but Azima later told me that nothin exciting happened after they got there. He just went back to his class.
     I don't know about you guys, but I really REALLY hope there's a Part III to all of this. Here's hoping!

1 comment:

  1. That's EXACTLY what I said to her. I was like, "AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!" For like, five second straight. :DDD


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